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Date: October 4, 2022

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The kidney and liver are two vital organs in the body. The kidney is in charge of filtering waste and extra fluids from the blood and removing them from the body through urine. As a result, the kidney is responsible for keeping our bodies clean and free of toxins. Whereas the liver helps clean your blood by eliminating harmful chemicals produced by your body. It produces bile, a liquid that aids in the breakdown of fat from food. It also stores sugar known as glucose, which provides a quick energy boost when needed. Hence, the failure of organs puts humans at high risk and is threatening. Organ Donation foundation in India helps to get kidneys and liver transplants failed kidney and liver. 

  1. Control your blood sugar levels – Diabetes increases your chances of developing heart disease and kidney failure. That is only one reason to keep your blood sugar under control. As a result, consume sugar-free foods or minimize sugar in your food, especially if diabetes is hereditary in your family. Organ Donations Mumbai is regularly searching for organ donors with no diabetics.
  2. Control your blood pressure – High blood pressure can risk heart disease and kidney failure. Stress is one cause of high pressure as well as the intake of oily and salty food items. You can practice Yoga and aerobics to keep your pressure normal.
  3. Keep a healthy weight – Obesity can increase your risk of kidney failure-related conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Try to avoid junk foods and maintain a healthy diet. Organ Donation Mumbai regularly educates people regarding “ how to control these diseases”
  4. Reduce your salt consumption – Sodium can be found in many unexpected places, especially in packaged foods like soups and bread. Limiting your sodium intake can help you maintain healthy blood pressure levels. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, published by the U.S., recommend aiming for 2,300 mg per day. 
  5. Limit protein intake – When you consume protein, your body produces waste filtered by your kidneys. While protein is an important part of a healthy diet, consuming too much protein may cause your kidneys to work harder. 
  6. Avoid smoking – Your kidneys receive less blood when you smoke. Whether a person has kidney disease or not, it impairs their ability to function. 
  7. Don’t take too many over-the-counter painkillers – Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, reduce the amount of blood flow to your kidneys when taken in high doses, which can be harmful.


The above-discussed points are highly effective not only for the prevention of kidney and liver disease but it helps lead a healthy life. Moreover, if you have any kidney or liver diseases, consult a doctor in no time. If a Doctor recommends a transplant, contact delegates of organ donation foundation in India for an organ that is matching your blood group.

Transplant Organization