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Who Need Your Help
Our Hospital Partners

Dr. Darius Mirza Trustee
Leading paediatric Liver
Transplant Consultant
Working towards the common goal of enabling transplants, our hospital partnerships have made a huge difference.
We've received and supported cases from 70 hospitals across India. Longer term and more substantial links exist with Apollo Mumbai , Max Delhi, Aster Bangalore, Global Mumbai and Sahyadri Pune who have signed up for our initiative (joint effort to enable transplants), and our network of hospitals continues to grow.
Our aim is to partner with hospitals which are willing to provide concessional fees for poor patients needing transplantation. Our efforts have helped lower patients' transplant' costs by up to 25%.
Actively working with 70+ renowned hospital across India
Hospitals Network

Hospital Partners

Kind Words from our Partners...

Dr. Ravi Mohanka
Liver Transplant and HPB Surgeon Chairman,
Liver Transplant Society of India Chairman,
ZTCC Live Expert Subcommittee
“Curative and life-saving transplant surgery is expensive in India. The Foundation is committed to helping patients in such difficult situations. Our patients the Foundation has helped have found it very helpful and extremely generous. I am grateful to the THPF.”

Dr. S K Mathur
“ It is my pleasure to write about yeoman humanitarian work done by “Transplants: Help the Poor Foundation.” Over the last 3 years, they have provided funds to more than 350 financially challenged transplant recipients in India. I am sure the foundation’s financial help to the deserving patients will continue to allow these patients to avail transplantation as a therapy to prolong their lives.”