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Date: March 24, 2022

Better to Donate instead of Waste

Transplantation of Tissues and Organs

Organ transplantations have gradually improved in the last two decades. Transplantation in children and young adults has shown excellent results and elderly patients with comorbidities have also shown good progress in recent years. Organ transplantations can save the lives of patients suffering from organ failures and give them a second lease on life. Lifesaving transplants are indispensable to treating patients with liver,  kidney, heart, or lung irreversible diseases. Take for example renal Transplantation has the potential to increase patient survival over dialysis, and Organ transplant programs have been steadily growing but are still a far cry from global needs, with great differences among countries. Organ transplantation is essential for developed and mature healthcare systems.

Transplantation can be defined as the process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from one human body to another or within a body. 

The donor or recipient can either be available in the same location/hospital or organs can be transferred from a donor’s site to a recipient’s site through a suitable method. Organ donors can be living or brain-dead. 

Successfully transplanted organs include: – 

  • Lungs 
  • Intestine 
  • Uterus
  • Liver 
  • Heart  
  • Pancreas 
  • Kidneys 
  • Thymus 

Various tissues that are capable of being transplanted include:-

  • Skins 
  • Tendons
  • Bones
  • Nerves
  • Valves
  • Cornea
  • Veins

Become an Organ Donor 

In this world, everyone wants to be self-sufficient and not be dependent on anyone. However, generally things never go as  per our plans. Unfortunately, life throws at us such events that  we become powerless.  

One such situation is the need for an organ. Due to various  diseases such as cystic fibrosis, polycystic kidney disease, heart  failure, terminal lung illness irreversible liver disease or cancer, organs become weak and can altogether stop functioning. In  addition, organs are damaged due to certain infections such as  hepatitis, injuries to the abdomen or organs, diseases like  diabetes or hypertension. Such damage or injury to the organ  results in severe pain and suffering leading to difficulty in  carrying out day-to-day activity and precious life turns upside  down. In such a scenario transplantation becomes of utmost importance. In most cases, if an organ is not received on time,  the person can die. Therefore, undergoing an organ transplant  helps prolong life with symptomatic relief. In addition, the  person’s quality of life improves. For instance, there is no need  for dialysis after kidney transplant, eyesight is restored through a cornea transplant. Moreover, the transplanted patients can  perform almost all the activities such as walking, climbing stairs,  cycling, riding, etc. 

There is a huge population waiting for an organ transplant hoping for the much needed second chance. The question is, “Who will give them the organ?”, “Who will be their angel?” 

The answer is ‘YOU’. You have the potential to save up to 8  lives. You can donate your organs both while living and after death. Your decision can save a life. Do not let your precious  body go to waste. 

Learn more: Financial Hеlp Options for Kidnеy Transplant in India

Never let your hope die. Every problem has a solution. You  need to get all your information correct. As a donor do not let  myths rule your decisions. Go through all available information, and talk with other donors to help you make the right decision. The entire list of organs that a person is capable  of donating is mentioned above.  

Many a times the donor wants to donate but does not have the  right channel through which they can donate. TRANSPLANT  HELP THE POOR FOUNDATION is the right organization that  helps you with the right information as well as you are assured  

The website has all the information right from how to become a donor to how you can help financially.  

Crowdfunding Donations for Transplantation 

How can you help financially? All financial donations go to the  recipient of the donor. The donor does not have to bear any  cost, they just need to donate. All the costs related to the  transplantation, hospital, medical, and aftercare expenses are  borne by the recipient. However, for a poor or a middle-class  family, it is not possible to bear all the above expenses. Total  cost of a transplant can come to anywhere between Rs. 15 lakhs  to 25 lakhs and upwards. A liver transplant can cost Rs. 15 to 25 lakhs, a kidney transplant may cost around Rs. 10 lakhs and a  heart transplant can cost Rs. 20 to 25 lakhs. Honestly, even for a  well to do family it can become a difficult scenario to shell out such a big amount at one go. Looking for an organ donor is  already a task. Adding to the misery – lack of funds. In such cases, crowd funding organizations can help you raise funds  from generous donors online.  

Transplant Help the Poor Foundation, as mentioned in the name itself, is a non-profit organization situated in Mumbai.  

The organization’s objective is to help as many patients as they  can for liver, kidney and heart transplants. They also provide  financial assistance to underprivileged patients. The organization is also working hard to raise awareness about organ donation by enhancing education, busting myths,  encouraging both cadavers as well as live donations. 

One can easily avail the assistance of the organization by providing the following – 

(I) A letter certifying the organ needed by the doctor. 

(II) Details about the required transplant and the total cost of  surgery including hospital stay and all other expense related to the surgery. 

(III) The foundation’s Financial Aid form, duly filled in, with all  the details mentioned therein, along with the information of the maximum contribution the family can make towards the  transplantation cost. 

(IV) A reliable proof of family income and identity details like Aadhaar Card, photograph, etc. duly endorsed by the hospital. 

Once the documentation is over, the organization processes the application by approving and conveying the assistance as soon as possible- generally, within a week. The funds approved by the organization are always sent to the concerned hospital  closer to the date of the transplant.