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Date: June 24, 2022

Mumbaikars, Reach Out For Life: Become An Organ Donor

Many of you reading this might be in your twenties, or even thirtysomethings. You might have just recently graduated from college, moved to the big city of Mumbai from a small town, or found yourself working in a job that doesn’t allow you to make time for walks outside. Luckily, there’s a solution! Mumbaikars need not feel so distant from nature anymore – they can now make time for walking by becoming an organ donor.

Becoming an organ donor is not only a life-saving decision, but it is also one of the most altruistic things that you can do. You may not know it, but by becoming an organ donor, you could potentially save the lives of up to eight people!

There are many ways to become an organ donor and the best way to find out is to talk to your doctor. They can give you information on how to become an organ donor and what documents you need. You also need to be registered with the Indian National Registry of Organ Donations NGO (INROD). INROD is a national database that keeps track of all donors in India. Once you are registered, they will send you a donation card and a donation kit. The donation kit includes information about how to donate organs, what organs can be donated, and what steps need to be taken before donating.

How Can I Donate Organs?

If you’re in the Mumbai area and are interested in becoming an organ donor, there are several ways to go about it. You can join the Indian Organ Transplant Registry, which is a national database that maintains information on potential donors. You can also register with one of the city’s transplant centres. And finally, you can contact your nearest Hindu religious organization and ask if they would be willing to act as your donor network.

organ donation day

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Be An Organ Donor

There are many reasons why you should become an organ donor. Here are five of the top reasons:

  1. You could save a life.
  2. You could help someone who is in need.
  3. You could help people who are waiting for a transplant.
  4. You could help to improve the quality of life for those who have transplanted organs.
  5. You could make a difference in the world!

Benefits for an Organ Donor

There are many benefits to becoming an organ donor, both for the individual and society as a whole. Here are just a few: 

  • A donor can help someone who requires a transplant. 
  • Donors can be proud that they helped contribute to saving another person’s life. 
  • Donors may feel relieved and happy after donating their organs. 
  • Organ donation can give hope to patients who are waiting for a kidney, liver, or another organ. -Organ donation can save lives by helping people who are not able to obtain an organ because of their medical condition.
  •  Donors often receive a special medallion or pin which they can display as a symbol of respect and gratitude for saving another person’s life. 
  • Donors may feel pride in the fact that they are helping to bring hope and new life into the world through their gift of life.

How to Start an Organ Donation Registration

If you’re eligible, there’s no reason not to register as an organ donor. Here are a few ways to get started: 

  1. Visit the State Health Department website and search for “Organ Donor Registration” 
  2. Call 1-800-DONOR (1-800-362-8683) and ask for the Organ Donor Registration line 
  3. Go to the website of the American Transplant Association (ATA) and search for “Donate Life” 
  4. Look for announcements about organ donation NGO registration events in newspapers and online – Attend an organ donation event 
  5. Post an announcement on your social media pages 
  6. Send out a mass email to all your friends and family members about the importance of organ donation  


Mumbaikars, it’s time to wake up and reach out for life! If you’re between the ages of 18 and 70, there is a good chance that you are eligible to be an organ donor in Mumbai. According to statistics, over 120 people die every day in India because they don’t have a compatible donor available. That’s why it’s so important for us to talk about our options and become registered as organ donors in Mumbai – not just when we’re hit by a sudden tragedy like heartbreak or an accident, but throughout our lives. By doing this, we can help save the lives of others who might need our organs someday.


Transplants India